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Pre-Op Instructions

  1. Inform your physician of your pending surgery and sedation as soon as possible, so they have time to FAX us special instructions for stopping Aspirin, Coumadin or other medications.
  2. Both IV Sedation and Oral Sedation require you have someone to drive you to and from your appointment.
  3. If you require an antibiotic pre-med. for dental procedures, please take the required dose as indicated.
  4. If you use an inhaler or nitroglycerin, you must bring it to your appointment.
  5. If you have been given prescriptions prior to your surgery, please have them filled before your surgery date and leave them home. If not, they will be given when you come for surgery and your driver may fill them during your surgery.
  6. Limit your alcoholic beverages the day before surgery to no more than one drink before 9:00 p.m. and absolutely NO ALCOHOL the day of surgery and any days while taking pain medication.
  7. No Smoking the day of and one week after surgery. Healing is greatly hindered by smoking.
  8. Have available at home an ice bag, cool soft foods such as Ensure, applesauce, Jell-O, pudding, popsicles, yogurt and warm soft foods such as soup, scrambled eggs, pasta, mashed potatoes, soft cooked vegetables, etc. If your drive home is longer than one (1) hour, please bring an ice bag with you. You will be given post-surgical instructions of how to use the ice bag and when to eat cool, then warm soft foods after your surgery.
  9. In accordance with keeping a sterile environment during surgery, please refrain from using cosmetics around your mouth the day of surgery.
  10. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for surgery.
  11. Do not wear make-up the day of surgery.
Perio Associates Internal Sidebar Dr

Serving Charleston Since 1968 

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