If you are experiencing periodontal disease, and your periodontist notices a loss of bone, you may be a good candidate for a bone regeneration procedure. With moderate to severe periodontal disease, you can lose bone in your jaw, which can lead to tooth loosening or loss. If caught in time, you can regenerate the bone in that area to protect your existing teeth.
During this procedure, your periodontist will fold back the gum tissue and remove any disease causing bacteria. Membranes, bone grafts or tissue stimulating proteins are used to encourage your body to naturally regenerate bone and tissue.
Bone regeneration is also used for patients with missing teeth who have also lost bone and for those who aren’t candidates for dental implants. Dental Implants require a certain amount of jawbone for the procedure to be a success. Patients with a deteriorated jawbone would benefit from bone augmentation to help better support their existing restorations or to prepare for an upcoming dental implant procedure.
For more information on bone regeneration, contact our office in Charleston, SC at (843) 571-0853.