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Can I Get Dental Implants if I Have Existing Medical Conditions?

Dental implants are an effective solution for many patients looking to restore their smiles and their quality of life. They provide a strong, natural-looking, and long-lasting tooth replacement option in many situations. However, like any other treatment, there are certain medical conditions that can introduce risks and complications.

While dental implants are highly versatile, not everyone is the right candidate. The best way to find out for sure whether dental implants are right for you is to speak with your dentist or periodontist. Planning your dental implant treatment will require evaluating your individual needs, including any existing medical conditions.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are a major restorative treatment that can include several surgeries. The implants themselves are embedded in the jawbone through implant surgery, and you could need a different number of implant posts depending on whether they will support a crown, bridge, or full arch replacement.

Some candidates will require bone grafting, even if they do not have underlying medical conditions. Dental implants require a certain amount of bone to provide a solid foundation. 

With one or more surgeries required to complete the treatment plan, dental implant surgery may not be suitable for candidates with certain medical conditions. We will work with your physician to get medical clearance if needed.

Dental Implants and Jawbone Deterioration

Patients who have gone years with missing teeth before seeking out dental implants could find themselves dealing with significant jawbone deterioration. However, bone grafts can often be an effective option to restore the jawbone and provide the necessary foundation for dental implants.

Missing teeth can impact oral health in the long run. Dental implants provide the resistance necessary to reduce jawbone deterioration because they are embedded into the bone and act similarly to natural tooth roots in this way. 

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

If you are considering dental implants, it is best to reach out to a periodontist specializing in dental implants in order to determine whether your existing medical conditions affect your candidacy for this procedure. 

Every case is unique. Learn more about how professionals like the friendly, compassionate team at Periodontal Associates in Charleston, SC, can assess your needs and develop a dental implant treatment plan.


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